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Miel et Stuph™


Recette de nano-émulsificateur Stuph : Miel Nano-CBD

There is growing interest in a digestible product and/or a topical application product comprising honey along with terpenes, terpenoids, and flavonoids. However, combining honey with these active components faces challenges, such as instability and inconsistent compositions, which as such are unsuitable for use as nutraceutical compositions. Using drink Stuph™ concentrate offers a unique yet simple method of preparing such compositions.

Wild or store-bought honey with low water content [under 25%] is heated to about 45°C. Other ingredients are then gradually added to the blend, such as an anti-oxidant (e.g. vitamin E / α-tocopherol), bioactive compounds (e.g. terpenes, CBD, vitamins, polyphenols, flavonoids, curcumin, etc.) and drink Stuph™ concentrate in water. Mixing is continued for 10 minutes after the addition with a homogenizer (e.g. ultrasonateur) et les éventuelles bulles sont libérées. Le mélange est refroidi à température ambiante puis scellé.

Une formulation exemplaire

  • 70% de miel [~20% d'humidité].
  • 0.2% de vitamine E liquide (α-tocophenol) ou STUPH 1010 comme antioxydant
  • 10 % d'eau avec le principe actif de votre choix (par exemple, terpènes, CBD, vitamine C, curcumine, quercitine, etc.) + boire le concentré Stuph™.

La quantité de concentré de boisson Stuph™ détermine la quantité de composé bioactif que vous pouvez charger dans le miel (ratio bioactif/miel).


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